Football Attraction - A Fantasy Serial
Installment Five - Short and Sour
As we left our story, substitute commissioner, Mike (no last name specified), and heard from the 67%
named Three Tequila Musketeers about the odd one in the corner, Keith, and about Doug, the regular
commissioner who was recovering from an assault after bowling. So now, just to completely throw off anyone
that may still understand this somewhat convoluted story line, the perspective shifts away from the
Mike-centered narrator and into the thoughts of the one they call Crappie (Keith) as he is driving home
from the draft.
“My team is pretty good, I think. That new guy thinks he’s so funny. We’ll see who’s laughing when Brisby
is leading the league in receptions. How come he gets to play for free? Just for being commissioner?
Didn’t get my money, the dumb ass. Ron kept stealing my picks. He may act drunk, but he could still
see my list from where he was. Why’d he have to sit so close anyway?”
Will Keith’s thoughts ever progress to something less rambling?
Is that supposed to indicate his instability?
Isn’t it kind of hard to come up with these questions with such a short installment?
I know what you’re really thinking, “We waited two weeks for this?”
Don’t start up again.
Well, give me more than two paragraphs, you twit.
Twit? What are you going to start reciting Monty Python next?
To find if there will be another installment of this dribble, just look later for, ah… Football Attraction
So are those three dots supposed to be a pause for dramatic effect?
Originally appeared in RABEFL News - Volume 14, Week 6
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