File Generated 01/03/05 13:57:53

Game Results for Week 17

Points Played Percentages

Average Active Points by Position per Game

Opponent Averages Report Through Week 17

Game Details

Game Results for Week 17
The Sooner Biffy Toilet Bowl
Bar Stool Buddies  56   Hi Definition Weasels  27

                    Points Played Percentages
Team Name                           Possible  Actual  Points  Percentage Games
                                    Points    Points  Lost    Played     Played
Ebonic Plague                        949       840     109     88.51%      16
Catholic Nun and the Posse           718       613     105     85.38%      14
Lay Z Boy                            804       686     118     85.32%      15
Couch Lovin Mammals                  844       719     125     85.19%      16
Hi Definition Weasels                988       829     159     83.91%      17
River Lake Stars                     954       785     169     82.29%      15
Sewage Serpents                      976       799     177     81.86%      15
Bar Stool Buddies                   1072       863     209     80.50%      16
Injury Prone                        1034       829     205     80.17%      16
Electric Donkey Bottom Biters        737       578     159     78.43%      14

                    Average Active Points by Position per Game
Team Name                          QB     RB  WR/TE SPE TEAM    DEF    TOTAL
Sewage Serpents                  7.13  14.20  18.93     8.00   5.00    53.27
River Lake Stars                 8.87  14.53  18.53     5.20   5.20    52.33
Couch Lovin Mammals              7.44  17.13  10.13     6.50   3.75    44.94
Bar Stool Buddies               12.31  11.56  16.50     7.50   6.06    53.94
Lay Z Boy                        8.40  17.80   9.67     5.73   4.13    45.73
Electric Donkey Bottom Biters    8.14  10.14  13.86     6.21   2.93    41.29
Catholic Nun and the Posse       6.07  12.36  11.43     9.93   4.00    43.79
Ebonic Plague                   14.44  11.25  15.50     7.31   4.00    52.50
Injury Prone                     9.69  15.94  14.88     7.94   3.38    51.81
Hi Definition Weasels           15.35  12.47  12.06     4.76   4.12    48.76
LEAGUE AVERAGES                  9.92  13.76  14.14     6.88   4.27    48.97

Opponent Averages Report Through Week 17
                       Average   Opponent Avg  Opponent Actual   Points
Team Name            Points/Game  Points/Game    Points/Game   From Average
Injury Prone            51.81        48.49          44.75         -3.74
Lay Z Boy               45.73        49.13          45.67         -3.47
Sewage Serpents         53.27        48.13          46.67         -1.46
Ebonic Plague           52.50        49.39          48.56         -0.83
Hi Definition Weasel    48.76        49.20          48.41         -0.79
Catholic Nun and the    43.79        49.22          49.14         -0.08
Electric Donkey Bott    41.29        49.97          50.79          0.82
Bar Stool Buddies       53.94        48.47          50.38          1.91
River Lake Stars        52.33        48.66          52.20          3.54
Couch Lovin Mammals     44.94        49.10          53.25          4.15

Game Details
Bar Stool Buddies  56   Hi Definition Weasels  27

A strong showing by break-out player, Willis McGahee and balanced scoring from the rest was more than enough for Bar Stool Buddies (10-6) to take the coveted Toilet Bowl crown from Hi Definition Weasels (6-11). The Stools looked at home in the ceramic surroundings, but the Weasels never were properly house-trained.

Bar Stool Buddies at Hi Definition Weasels
Active Players
QB Brooks, Aaron SNTS 7   QB Manning, Peyton COLT 0
RB Goings, Nick PTHR 2   RB Barber, Tiki GIAN 15
RB McGahee, Willis BILL 15   RB Portis, Clinton SKNS 0
WR Harrison, Marvin COLT 7   WR Houshmandzadeh, T.J. BNGL 8
WR Moss, Randy VIKS 8   WR Smith, Jimmy JGRS -1
WR Smith, Rod BRNC 3   TE Shockey, Jeremy GIAN 0
PK Team PK, SEAH SEAH 4   PK Team PK, 49RS 49RS 1
DF Team Defense, RAVN RAVN 10   DF Team Defense, VIKS VIKS 4
Reserve Players
QB McNabb, Donovan EAGL 0   QB Favre, Brett PCKR 11
RB Davenport, Najeh PCKR 0   RB Pinner, Artose LION 0
RB Jones, Thomas BEAR 16   WR Givens, David PATS 1
WR McCardell, Keenan CHGR 0   WR Stallworth, Donte' SNTS 1
TE Graham, Daniel PATS 0   TE Mili, Itula SEAH 1